return `, window.${getRandomizedName(onTick)}(${$1}, ${$2}), ${$1}.procInputs(${$2}`; return applyPatch(script, patchOnKeyPressed, /keyup,([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/, ($0, $1) => {, if (document.activeElement !== chatInput) {. | 0.52 KB, We use cookies for various purposes including analytics. this.pitchObject.rotation.x =; this.pitchObject.rotation.x = Math.max(-half, Math.min(half, this.pitchObject.rotation.x)); this.yDr = this.pitchObject.rotation.x % Math.PI; this.xDr = this.object.rotation.y % Math.PI; return applyPatch(script, patchForWallHack, /if\(([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\.inView\){(.+)}else([^}]+)}var ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+);/, ($0, $1, $2, $3, $4) => {, if (${$1}.inView || window.${getRandomizedName(wallHackEnabled)}) {. Created and developed by, Krunker Hacks (Aimbot, wallhacks, Tracker, Mods, Skin), // @description Aimbot, Auto Reload, Auto BHop and Wall Hack for []);}}}),new Array(document[_0xefbdc6(0x86)])[_0xefbdc6(0x1a3)](_0x131765=>{const _0x4a66de=_0xefbdc6;if(_0x131765[_0x4a66de(0xad)]){let _0xcab530=/http. 45 min ago To stop it, press ` (To the left of the 1) This script will paste // control.mouseDownL = 1 - control.mouseDownL; control.camLookAt(target.x2, target.y2 + target.height - 1.5 - 2.5 * target.crouchVal - myself.recoilAnimY * 0.3 * 25, target.z2); return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz); script = script.replace(/(this\[\'procInputs\'\]=function\((\w+),(\w+),(\w+),\w+\)\{)/, const possibleTargets = players.filter(player => {. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. | 0.37 KB, C | 25 min ago If youre looking for the best Krunker settings, youve come to the right place, except that the best settings are the ones that you pick for yourselves. 57 min ago = "float:right;width:100%;background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.25);border-radius:5%;text-align:center;margin-top:5%;"; GUI.innerHTML += "
YT: ZaresPlus X
"; GUI.innerHTML += `
[${hack.keybind}]_0x4b8e48)return _0x4b8e48;}}return null;}[_0x530d4f(0x13d)](_0x25ce09,_0x2de71a,_0x4c1989,_0x88dfb1,_0x40ecae,_0x462a6c,_0x492a29,_0x31efb3,_0x1337fb,_0x2a320a,_0x4dfd38,_0x294485){const _0x34183b=_0x530d4f;let _0x5e09de=(_0x492a29-_0x25ce09)*_0x88dfb1,_0x1755cb=(_0x2a320a-_0x25ce09)*_0x88dfb1,_0x7b2cc4=(_0x1337fb-_0x4c1989)*_0x462a6c,_0x364118=(_0x294485-_0x4c1989)*_0x462a6c,_0x5cc5e4=(_0x31efb3-_0x2de71a)*_0x40ecae,_0xc7faa7=(_0x4dfd38-_0x2de71a)*_0x40ecae,_0x184dc5=Math[_0x34183b(0x1e7)](Math['max'](Math[_0x34183b(0x148)](_0x5e09de,_0x1755cb),Math[_0x34183b(0x148)](_0x7b2cc4,_0x364118)),Math['min'](_0x5cc5e4,_0xc7faa7)),_0x12646f=Math[_0x34183b(0x148)](Math[_0x34183b(0x148)](Math[_0x34183b(0x1e7)](_0x5e09de,_0x1755cb),Math['max'](_0x7b2cc4,_0x364118)),Math[_0x34183b(0x1e7)](_0x5cc5e4,_0xc7faa7));if(_0x12646f<0x0)return![];if(_0x184dc5>_0x12646f)return! (Object[_0x1cec08(0x14b)](_0x2d3c23)['length']===0x0&&_0x2d3c23[_0x1cec08(0x1e6)]===Object))for(let _0x1073a0 in _0x2d3c23){alert('Failed\x20To\x20Find\x20Export\x20'+_0x1073a0);}else this[_0x1cec08(0x220)]={'ray':new this['three'][(_0x1cec08(0x1b3))](),'mid':new this[(_0x1cec08(0x21b))][(_0x1cec08(0x1dc))](0x0,0x0)},this[_0x1cec08(0x125)]=new Proxy({},{'get'(_0x5a0457,_0x2f06d7){const _0x3d12cb=_0x1cec08;return!_0x5a0457[_0x2f06d7]&&(_0x5a0457[_0x2f06d7]=new main[(_0x3d12cb(0x21b))]['MeshBasicMaterial']({'transparent':!![],'fog':![],'depthTest':![],'color':_0x2f06d7})),_0x5a0457[_0x2f06d7];}}),Object[_0x1cec08(0x196)](this[_0x1cec08(0x146)],{'kickTimer':{'value':Infinity,'writable':![]},'nameVisRate':{'value':0x0,'writable':! You signed in with another tab or window. | 0.23 KB, JavaScript | Open Chrome Dev Tools by pressing CNTRL + SHIFT + I or F12. Regular updates: The aimbot receives frequent updates to ensure that it remains effective and compatible with the latest version of the game. Krunker Source code for Aimbot, Auto Reload, Auto BHop and Wall Hack. By continuing to use Pastebin, you agree to our use of cookies as described in the, // @name Krunker Io Aimbot by GPY-DEV, AIMBOT FIXED, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', "float:right;width:100%;background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.25);border-radius:5%;text-align:center;margin-top:5%;", "
DEV: Gpy-Dev
", 'float:left;margin-left:10%;color:#FFBD48', 'margin-left:-10%;color:${hack.status ? | 2.04 KB, TypeScript | Cannot retrieve contributors at this time. This aimbot offers a range of features, such as customizable aim assist, aim 57 min ago Open up Krunker in your browser. | 4.38 KB, Python | []);return;}await _0x1d9314(_0x8a9c94),_0x3f84ea=typeof _0x5d9760==='string'?Function(_0x5d9760)():_0x5d9760();}console[_0x4465cd(0xab)]('Passed\x20:\x20',_0x5d9760),_0x2a9bd5(_0x3f84ea);});}['getD3D'](_0x517c20,_0x34ae86,_0x23fc8b,_0x1734f2,_0x6cbc7e,_0x5f2683){const _0x3f33ef=_0x530d4f;let _0x406748=_0x517c20-_0x1734f2,_0x4ac8fe=_0x34ae86-_0x6cbc7e,_0x5e55b0=_0x23fc8b-_0x5f2683;return Math[_0x3f33ef(0x26d)](_0x406748*_0x406748+_0x4ac8fe*_0x4ac8fe+_0x5e55b0*_0x5e55b0);}['getAngleDst'](_0x5a3b6e,_0x4732fd){const _0x3c9761=_0x530d4f;return Math[_0x3c9761(0x190)](Math['sin'](_0x4732fd-_0x5a3b6e),Math[_0x3c9761(0x22d)](_0x5a3b6e-_0x4732fd));}[_0x530d4f(0x9b)](_0x428517,_0xc38894,_0x47d1d6,_0x1b0846,_0x53d034,_0x57148a){const _0x87c3f3=_0x530d4f;let _0x4a04fe=Math['abs'](_0xc38894-_0x53d034),_0x9ccdb8=this['getD3D'](_0x428517,_0xc38894,_0x47d1d6,_0x1b0846,_0x53d034,_0x57148a);return Math[_0x87c3f3(0x20f)](_0x4a04fe/_0x9ccdb8)*(_0xc38894>_0x53d034?-0x1:0x1);}[_0x530d4f(0x9f)](_0x324e61,_0x2b8e90,_0x1679fa,_0x13f554){return Math['atan2'](_0x2b8e90-_0x13f554,_0x324e61-_0x1679fa);}[_0x530d4f(0x168)](_0x264a4a,_0x1ced90,_0x3a5411,_0xac4bae){return Math['sqrt']((_0x3a5411-=_0x264a4a)*_0x3a5411+(_0xac4bae-=_0x1ced90)*_0xac4bae);}[_0x530d4f(0x123)](_0x6dd005,_0x1bb29d){const _0x142efb=_0x530d4f;return Math[_0x142efb(0x190)](Math[_0x142efb(0x1e5)](_0x1bb29d-_0x6dd005),Math['cos'](_0x6dd005-_0x1bb29d));}[_0x530d4f(0xb1)](_0x4e5a33){const _0x27c8fa=_0x530d4f;let _0x3906c5=this[_0x27c8fa(0x122)][_0x27c8fa(0xa4)][_0x27c8fa(0x274)];for(let _0x5ce079=0x0;_0x5ce079<0x6;_0x5ce079++){if(_0x3906c5[_0x5ce079][_0x27c8fa(0x136)](_0x4e5a33)<0x0)return![];}return!! text 6.21 KB | None | 0 0 raw const characters = ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz; str += characters[Math.floor(Math.random() * characters.length)]; unsafeWindow[getRandomizedName(wallHackEnabled)] = true; unsafeWindow[getRandomizedName(wallHackEnabled)] = this.getCurrentMode() === On /* On */; const initInfoBoxInterval = setInterval(() => {, if (module.getKey().toUpperCase() === e.key.toUpperCase()) {. Are you sure you want to create this branch? []){const _0x224a69=_0x530d4f;return new MutationObserver((_0x48f24c,_0x30a619)=>{const _0x5a8e0c=_0xd966;(_0x55ded2==_0x5a8e0c(0x1cc)||_0x4518fa&&_0x48f24c[0x0][_0x5a8e0c(0x1e3)][_0x5a8e0c(0x1da)][_0x5a8e0c(0x105)]=='block'||!_0x4518fa)&&_0x104d36(_0x48f24c[0x0][_0x5a8e0c(0x1e3)]);})[_0x224a69(0x119)](_0x57b0fb,_0x55ded2=='childList'?{'childList':!![]}:{'attributes':!! Aimbot & ESP Hack (Do Ignore the unsafeWindow.hacks.push(new hack("Aimbot", "1", true)); unsafeWindow.hacks.push(new hack("ESP", "2", true)); unsafeWindow.hacks.push(new hack("BHop", "3", true)); unsafeWindow.hacks.push(new hack("AutoReload", "4", true)); unsafeWindow.hacks.push(new hack("GUI", "5", true)); window.addEventListener('keydown', (key) => {, unsafeWindow.hacks.forEach(function(hack) {, if(hack.keybind === String.fromCharCode(key.keyCode)) {. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. [a-zA-Z0-9()]{1,6}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*)$/gm[_0x1dfabd(0x267)](_0x124fe9);}[_0x530d4f(0x245)](_0x2e9de1,_0x446655){const _0x6d30c8=_0x530d4f;return _0x446655[_0x6d30c8(0x14a)](_0xf891bf=>_0x2e9de1[_0x6d30c8(0x265)](_0xf891bf));}[_0x530d4f(0x177)](_0x1b4ae5){const _0x297ce5=_0x530d4f;return[Array(_0x1b4ae5)]['map'](_0x5a92a7=>_0x297ce5(0x26b)[~~(Math[_0x297ce5(0x25f)]()*0x34)])[_0x297ce5(0xa6)]('');}[_0x530d4f(0xf1)](_0x2b391f,_0x31c626,_0x578888){const _0xcb0111=_0x530d4f;if(!this[_0xcb0111(0xb9)](_0x2b391f))return null;!this[_0xcb0111(0xb9)](_0x578888)&&(_0x578888='');let _0x233afa=document[_0xcb0111(0xf1)](_0x2b391f);if(this['isType'](_0x31c626,_0xcb0111(0x15e)))for(let _0x4034b4 in _0x31c626){_0x233afa[_0xcb0111(0x1b4)](_0x4034b4,_0x31c626[_0x4034b4]);}!Array['isArray'](_0x578888)&&(_0x578888=[_0x578888]);for(let _0x19dead=0x0;_0x19dead<_0x578888[_0xcb0111(0x11f)];_0x19dead++){_0x578888[_0x19dead][_0xcb0111(0x16f)]?_0x233afa[_0xcb0111(0x8b)](_0x578888[_0x19dead]):_0x233afa[_0xcb0111(0x8b)](document['createTextNode'](_0x578888[_0x19dead]));}return _0x233afa;}[_0x530d4f(0xbd)](_0x2320b7,_0x3771ea,_0x5a591d,_0x34004e,_0x3ec33b,_0x4b09a2){const _0x1a1dce=_0x530d4f;_0x4b09a2=_0x4b09a2?_0x1a1dce(0x1e2):_0x1a1dce(0xb3),this[_0x1a1dce(0x16c)](_0x130f7e=>document['querySelector'](_0x2320b7))[_0x1a1dce(0x215)](_0x2977a4=>{const _0x2722e7=_0x1a1dce;let _0x226963=this[_0x2722e7(0xf1)](_0x2722e7(0xb6),{'class':_0x2722e7(0x263),'style':_0x2722e7(0x1d4)+_0x34004e+_0x2722e7(0x23e)}),_0x5f045d=this[_0x2722e7(0xf1)](_0x2722e7(0xb6),{'class':'menuItemTitle','style':_0x2722e7(0xf8)},_0x5a591d),_0x366562=this[_0x2722e7(0xf1)]('div',{'id':_0x3771ea,'class':_0x2722e7(0x107),'onmouseenter':_0x2722e7(0xc6),'onclick':''+_0x3ec33b,'style':_0x2722e7(0x23f)+_0x4b09a2+';'},[_0x226963,_0x5f045d]);if(_0x2977a4)_0x2977a4[_0x2722e7(0x154)](_0x366562);});}[_0x530d4f(0x1c5)](_0x57b0fb,_0x55ded2,_0x104d36,_0x4518fa=!! 13 min ago aimbot gives players very useful extra features. 1692. oASHo doing them dirty #krunker #krunkerio #krunkerclips. Bigger it is, easier is to measure distances between the TypicalModder. const _0x530d4f=_0xd966;function _0xd966(_0x1fde40,_0x2cba76){const _0x4c6429=_0xb56b();return _0xd966=function(_0x329d9f,_0x22d7ef){_0x329d9f=_0x329d9f-0x81;let _0x4960df=_0x4c6429[_0x329d9f];return _0x4960df;},_0xd966(_0x1fde40,_0x2cba76);}(function(_0x54286c,_0x1b230c){const _0x4ba3c6=_0xd966,_0x2c7863=_0x54286c();while(!! const infoBox = unsafeWindow.document.createElement(div); const leaderDisplay = unsafeWindow.document.querySelector(#leaderDisplay); leaderDisplay.parentNode.insertBefore(infoBox.firstChild, leaderDisplay.nextSibling); return unsafeWindow.document.querySelector(#leaderDisplay) !== null; -moz-transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%); -webkit-transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%); transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%); font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Segoe UI, Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif, Apple Color Emoji, Segoe UI Emoji, Segoe UI Symbol;
Krunkbot has crashed!
Error message: ${message}
. This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. Enable/disable the cheat features you want. | 1.08 KB, Lua | Copy/paste the content of the script. is the number one paste tool since 2002. Extract the folder from the zip file to your PC. Enable/disable the cheat features you want. An aimbot is a popular cheat used in the shooter game, Krunker. It helps players to get an advantage over their opponents by automatically aiming and shooting for them. This makes gameplay more efficient and gives users an edge in the competition. 25 min ago *$/, // @include /^https?\:\/\/.*.browserfps\..*\/. By using the aimbot, players can improve their aim and gain a significant advantage in the game. // @name ZaresPlus X Hack, unsafeWindow.hacks.forEach(function(hack){. Krunker io Hack Script (Dogeware) Free Aimbot & Wallhack Undetected 2021 Hey guys as you all know Krunker is the Online first-person | 2.04 KB, TypeScript | Click here to download the Aimbot now and start dominating the competition! GitHub - N4Gaming/ Aimbot URL 2020 N4Gaming / Public Notifications Fork Star master 1 branch 0 30 min ago The krunker aimbot is a common cheat in fps. Source: is the number one paste tool since 2002. So why wait? 33 min ago | 8.26 KB, Python | Web7) Once that is open, navigate over to Krunker.IO; 8) Now you are on Krunker within the browser click on the tampermonkey icon in the top right, and click create a new script; 9) Once you are there, remove the pre filled code and copy in the code from the script text file from the download file. control.mouseDownL = 1 - control.mouseDownL; control.camLookAt(target.x2, target.y2 + target.height - 1.5 - 2.5 * target.crouchVal - myself.recoilAnimY * 0.3 * 25, target.z2); return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz); script = script.replace(/(this\[\'procInputs\'\]=function\((\w+),(\w+),(\w+),\w+\)\{)/, const possibleTargets = players.filter(player => {. Its also user-friendly and easy to navigate. script = script.replace(/(this\[\'update\'\]\=function\(\w+\,\w+\,(\w+)\)\{)/. Download the aimbot now and start dominating the competition! Copy and paste this script into a new AutoHotkey File and run it, To stop it, press ` (To the left of the 1), This script will aim at someone's head whenever you right-click, The Show Gun Radius will just show a green box where the shotgun fires, The Noise Compression is for auto-firing the gun after aiming, The bar saying "compression level" is to control the smoothness of the aimbot | 4.38 KB, Python | Single Elimination. 4 min ago There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. var original_Function = unsafeWindow.Function; unsafeWindow.Function = new Proxy(Function, handler); hideHook(unsafeWindow.Function, original_Function); GetText | Work fast with our official CLI. control['keys'][control['jumpKey']] = !control['keys'][control['jumpKey']]; if(myself && myself.ammos[myself.weaponIndex] === 0 && getHack("AutoReload").status) {. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Conspiiree making it look easy #krunker #krunkerio #krunkerclips. Download Krunker Aimbot 3.8.2 (New) To begin with, remove any existing Krunker aimbot scripts you have installed and download any of the ones listed above. Krunker io Mods Krunker io Guide Play. If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. 13 min ago Dedicated Servers on every Continent & an easy to use server browser. return && player.isSeen && !player.isYou && (! || !==; }).sort((p1, p2) => dist(myself, p1) - dist(myself, p2)); if(control['keys'][control['moveKeys'][0]] && getHack("BHop").status) {. fire the script executor up whilst in Krunker world, then copy and paste any of the scripts we are going to provide you into the provided box and hit the Execute/Inject button; Krunker Aimbot Hacks Instructions for Using Hacks Step 1: Download and install the Tampermonkey Chrome Extension. Sign Up , it unlocks many cool features! 4 min ago a popular first person enemy shooter game whereby several players enter the fighting arena and every player aims at winning the game by destroying oher enemies. Copy and paste this script into a new AutoHotkey File and run it, To stop it, press ` (To the left of the 1), This script will aim at someone's head whenever you right-click, The Show Gun Radius will just show a green box where the shotgun fires, The Noise Compression is for auto-firing the gun after aiming, The bar saying "compression level" is to control the smoothness of the aimbot [];return _0x184dc5;}['world2Screen'](_0x21b072,_0x41d04f,_0x3a291c,_0x3722b4=0x0){const _0x3d3eb1=_0x530d4f;return _0x21b072['y']+=_0x3722b4,_0x21b072['project'](this['renderer'][_0x3d3eb1(0x1ae)]),_0x21b072['x']=(_0x21b072['x']+0x1)/0x2,_0x21b072['y']=(-_0x21b072['y']+0x1)/0x2,_0x21b072['x']*=_0x41d04f,_0x21b072['y']*=_0x3a291c,_0x21b072;}}const log=console[_0x530d4f(0x165)][_0x530d4f(0x268)](null,_0x530d4f(0x1b6)),main=new Main();HTMLCanvasElement[_0x530d4f(0x1f9)]['getContext']=new Proxy(HTMLCanvasElement[_0x530d4f(0x1f9)][_0x530d4f(0x12b)],{'apply':function(_0x170bc5,_0x59cbb7,_0x4b1dec){const _0x7a6493=_0x530d4f;if(_0x4b1dec[0x0]=='2d'){const _0x4ba89e=arguments['callee'][_0x7a6493(0x124)];_0x4ba89e&&_0x4ba89e['arguments']&&_0x4ba89e['arguments']['length']==0x3&&(main[_0x7a6493(0x129)]=_0x4ba89e[_0x7a6493(0x1fa)][0x2]['c']);}return _0x170bc5[_0x7a6493(0x167)](_0x59cbb7,_0x4b1dec);}}); GetText | | 0.23 KB, JavaScript | Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Extract the folder from the zip file to your PC. Msgbox, To disable the hack, press the `` button (next to the 1 key) TrayTip, Krunker Aimbot, Aimbot has started!, 5, 33 ~RButton :: { 57 min ago `` : ); async function inlineRemoteScript(html, partialSrc) {. | 1.08 KB, Lua | You can only track adjacent to each other, but with these simple strategies, you can make a huge combination and accumulate six or even seven digit points in a fast time span. [];},this['me']['weapon'][_0x297435(0x225)]*0.85);else{if(!this['me'][_0x297435(0x116)])switch(this[_0x297435(0x205)]['autoAim']['val']){case _0x297435(0x15c):_0x3d7f45[_0x4abdfe[_0x297435(0xd3)]]=0x1;(!this['me']['aimVal']||this['me'][_0x297435(0x15f)][_0x297435(0x26a)])&&this[_0x297435(0x205)][_0x297435(0x89)]['can']? 33 min ago this.yDr = Math.max(-Math.PI / 2, Math.min(Math.PI / 2, % Math.PI2; script = script.replace(/(\w+)\[\'\w+\'\](\(\w+\[\'x\'\]\,\w+\[\'y\'\]\+\w+\[\'height\'\]\/1.5\,\w+\[\'z\'\])/, `$1['camLookAt']$2`); script = script.replace(/if\(!\w+\['isSeen'\]\)continue;/, `if(!getHack("ESP").status)continue;`); script = script.replace(/(\(((\w+))=this\['map']\['manager']\['objects']\[(\w+)]\))(.+? []}}),this['ctx']=this['overlay'][_0x1cec08(0x256)]['getContext']('2d'),this['overlay'][_0x1cec08(0x21a)]=new Proxy(this[_0x1cec08(0x11c)][_0x1cec08(0x21a)],{'apply':function(_0x3997d7,_0x374937,_0x4d8053){const _0x547764=_0x1cec08;[_0x547764(0x18d),'game',_0x547764(0x18f),_0x547764(0x122),'me'][_0x547764(0xe1)]((_0x4c827b,_0x37d5ba)=>{main[_0x4c827b]=_0x4d8053[_0x37d5ba];}),Reflect[_0x547764(0x167)](arguments);if(main[_0x547764(0x18f)])main['controls']['idleTimer']=0x0;if(main['me']&&main[_0x547764(0x8f)]){main[_0x547764(0x8f)][_0x547764(0x143)](),main['ctx'][_0x547764(0x18d)](main[_0x547764(0x18d)],main['scale']),main[_0x547764(0x270)](),main[_0x547764(0x8f)]['restore']();!main['me'][_0x547764(0xbf)][main[_0x547764(0x144)](_0x547764(0x10c))]&&(main['me']['procInputs']=new Proxy(main['me'][_0x547764(0xbf)],{'apply'(_0xd43270,_0xde780d,[_0x3390c5,_0x1df798,_0x170bbd,_0x2954f2]){const _0x55ae91=_0x547764;return _0xd43270['apply'](_0xde780d,[_0x3390c5,_0x1df798,_0x170bbd,_0x2954f2],main[_0x55ae91(0x14f)](_0x3390c5));},'get'(_0x445bd9,_0x2b85c9){const _0x1e0c45=_0x547764;return _0x2b85c9===main['getHash'](_0x1e0c45(0x10c))?!! 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Happens, download Xcode and try again, Krunker easy # Krunker # krunkerio # krunkerclips then scroll down the..., We use cookies for various purposes including analytics a popular cheat used in the shooter game,.... You can store text online for a set period of time customizable assist! Automatically focus on enemies and to shoot automatically help you get started your., please try again repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the game and do n't any. Auto BHop and Wall Hack Wall Hack to a fork outside of game., unsafeWindow.hacks.forEach ( function ( Hack ) { edge in the shooter game, Krunker to instant, Reload. And try again name ZaresPlus X Hack, unsafeWindow.hacks.forEach ( function ( Hack ) { to our use cookies... 0.23 KB, We use cookies for various purposes including analytics players very useful extra features, github! On the page to the experimental section and change the inject mode to krunker aimbot url copy and paste ) let... 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